What is Mediation?

What is Mediation?

What is Armistice – What is Mediation?

  • Armistice is an online platform providing access to a panel of Mediators as set out on the ADR Panel tab of the website.
  • Mediation is a moderated discussion forum which may lead to resolution if the parties agree. If they do not agree a resolution the mediation may end and the parties have a full choice of how to proceed next in their dispute.
  • Each party comes together to agree to appoint a mediator to seek to facilitate and moderate discussions and points of dispute between them.

How does it work?

  • Parties can apply through Armistice to schedule a hearing or use the platform to case manage their dispute.
  •  When they sign up for the platform each of the parties to a dispute are given their own secure data room where they can place calls, upload documents securely, leave video messages for each other and use that space as a case management space for all of the persons required. No one outside of your team has access to your data room
  •  The other side will have their own data room and both parties will have a common shared hearing space.
  •  If lawyers are engaged, they will also have a private space on the platform for them to confer.
  • The system can be configured to your requirements.  

How do we prepare for a hearing date?

  • The parties sign a mediation agreement. This can be tailored depending on the type of dispute.
  • Armistice shall contact the selected mediator in question and subject to their availability shall make arrangements for suitable dates.
  • The Parties to a dispute lodge a case stated via the Armistice Platform
  • The Mediator may, if he or she considers it necessary due to the complexity of the dispute or otherwise hold a preliminary hearing via the platform for directions
  • The parties will proceed to hearing.
  • They may, if the so agree, sign a binding settlement between them.

Is the decision binding?

  • Once the parties agree to be so bound the mediation settlement agreement is normally enforceable by either party if breached.

How much does it cost?

  • Armistice offers a straightforward and transparent pricing model. There are no hidden fees or charges, and it is a flat rate fee per party for mediation services. Click here to view our fees.

Why should I consider arbitration?

  • It is CHEAPER than traditional adversarial litigation proceedings
  • It is FASTER than traditional adversarial litigation proceedings
  •  You have access to an exceptional panel of alternative dispute mediators and the CHOICE to select the mediator with the relevant expertise in your dispute area. 
  • Your data is stored and accessed so you have tighter SECURITY
  • You have CONFIDENTIALITY in respect of the existence and outcome of the dispute.

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